turner tracey donkin andrew british museum history of the world in 25 cities

Journey through a mammoth timeline, richly illustrated with over 1500 photos, maps and illustrations. Written in association with the esteemed Smithsonian Museum. A beautiful visual reference book with key events of world history, written in an elementary language for budding historians. Take chronological steps through human history, starting long before we even began to write. Learn about significant global events like the rise of different societies, revolutions, invasions, and new discoveries. Meet the most memorable people from history books including charismatic leaders, brutal dictators, influential thinkers, and innovative scientists. Written with kids ages 9 to 12 in mind, this book uses unpretentious language and gives straightforward fun facts. The "Child Of The Time" feature encourages young people to imagine themselves in the past and lets them know that children had a place in history. Older readers will love this engaging educational book too! Dive in and explore the parts of the past you haven't yet discovered. The multitude of photos, maps and graphics make reading about history simple and enjoyable. This visual reference guide provides the reader with an overview of the most fascinating events in history, with concise and bite-sized information. Follow the timeline from our most distant past, all the way through to recent events that you may still remember happening! The History of the World, From the Stone Age to the Digital Age Go beyond British history and explore the world in this modern twist on an old-fashioned history book. It is easier to follow, organised along a timeline with photos of archaeological artefacts, old maps and exciting pictures. You won't just read about world history, you'll see it too. Take a step back in time! This history book covers the following eras: - 6.5 MYA - 3000 BCE Before History Began - 3000 BCE - 700 BCE Really Ancient History - 700 BCE - 500 CE Much More Civilisation - 500 - 1450 The Marvellous Middle Ages - 1450 - 1750 Exploring and Reforming - 1750 - 1850 Time for Change - 1850 - 1945 Empires and World Wars - 1945 - Present Fast Forward

Rainer Hagen. Egyptian Art

Rainer Hagen. Egyptian Art

2189 руб.

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