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This parenting book shows you how to make magical Montessori memories - every day. This beautiful, modern Montessori book for parents outlines the key principles of this parenting approach and shows you how you can easily apply this at home. It provides a valuable starting point for parents to help them create a family life inspired by the ethos of Montessori. "You will want to refer to this book again and again." Paul Epstein, PhD, Designs of Lifelong Learning This practical parenting guide makes Montessori accessible to every parent and child, regardless of time pressures and resources. Inside, you'll find: - Outlines of the Montessori principles clearly and succinctly. For example respect, freedom, curiosity, creativity, responsibility, and independence - Shows parents how to apply these principles to everyday life - with sections on breakfast time, school/nursery drop off, school/nursery pick up, playtime, meal times, homework time, bath time, and bedtime - Demonstrates how to apply Montessori techniques to an older child new to Montessori and how to flex and build on the techniques as your child grows up Montessori is a unique educational philosophy created by Maria Montessori that fosters the growth of the whole child. From enjoying nature together to free time and weekends, every aspect of family life is an opportunity for meaningful engagement with your child. Montessori For Every Family offers you pragmatic, real-life advice, suitable for children of all ages, showing you how easy and natural it is to create a nourishing and empowering environment at home for everyone. You can create magical Montessori moments every day - here's how.

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