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TV and radio money-agony-aunt Claer Barrett is the voice of reason in the cost of living crisis, teaching us what we need to know about money, in an accessible way that anyone can understand. By unpicking our emotional relationship with money, she gets to the heart of how our financial habits are formed - and reveals seven powerful yet easy ways to transform how we manage our money for good. If you struggle to understand where you're going wrong with your money but don't know where to start, What They Don't Teach You About Money has all the answers you've been searching for. There's no shaming finger-wagging or headache-inducing jargon, just hundreds of practical tips showing how to get money working for you. The financial world can be an intimidating place, but Claer will banish any lack of confidence, demystifying money matters to help you regain control of your finances - and she'll even make you laugh along the way. You will learn: - why your 'financial personality' is key to unlocking your money habits - the secrets of successful budgeting (takeaway coffee is still allowed) - how to deal with your debts, and understand student finance - how to harness the power of digital banking to make your life easier, and save more - how to plan for your financial future and set yourself achievable goals along the way - how to talk about money and make uncomfortable conversations a thing of the past - easy lessons to help everyone understand tax, pensions and investing (yes, really!) - what you need to know before you buy your first property - how to grow your income and get that pay rise Claer expertly debunks the myths that keep us stuck in financial paralysis. It's time to regain control of your bank balance and get your money working for you!

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