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Enid Blyton's timeless collection of Christmas stories - an ideal gift for anyone who loved the stories during their own childhood to pass on to the next generation of readers. Enid Blyton's Christmas Stories was so popular that readers asked for another collection - and here it is! Nobody captures the spirit of Christmas like Enid Blyton, and in these stories - which are perfect for reading alone or sharing - she describes the excitement of anticipating gifts, the pleasures of making special food, of singing carols, and coming together to share good times with friends and families. As ever with Blyton, there is mischief and mayhem but good always prevails in the end. This is an entirely different set of stories to the ones included in Enid Blyton's Christmas Stories. All stories previously appeared in magazines and anthologies from the 40s and 60s. This collection contains the original texts and is unillustrated. The stories in this collection are: One Christmas Eve All the Way to Santa Claus Annabelle's Little Thimble A Coat for the Snowman The Extraordinary Christmas Tree On His Way Home Good Gracious, Santa Claus! No Present for Benny First Walk in December The Christmas Tree Fairy A Christmas Legend The Christmas Bicycle The Battle in the Toyshop A Grand Visitor The Little Carol Singer The Man Who Wasn't Father Christmas A Christmas Wish He Belonged to the Family A Hole in her Stocking Christmas in the Toyshop They Didn't Believe in Santa Claus! Bobbo's Magic Stocking On Christmas Night Little Mrs Millikin Second Walk in December The Magic Snow-bird

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